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New York Chapter


2025 Corporate Sponsorships
are NOW available
2024-25 Individual Memberships
are available 
See Membership tab above

Next Meeting:
New York Energy Policy
Tuesday, February 18 


The NY Chapter holds meetings on the third Tuesday of each month (except for July, August, and December). Admission is $20 for non-members, and free for full-time students and NY Chapter members who have paid the $100 dues to the chapter. 

Admission at NY Chapter meetings is not free for AEE National Members - we ask that you buy a non-member ticket.


Admission includes pizza, salad and a beverage.

Those who attend meetings in person are typically eligible for CEU/PD certification hours.

Registration for on-line webinars is free for chapter members, full-time students and non-members. Webinar attendees are NOT eligible for CEU/PD certification hours. This is a change effective September 2023.


Presentations for past events are published in the documents library.

Details on past meetings can be found in the events archive.



Chapter membership provides a significant discount for chapter meetings and the annual awards gala in June. Monthly in-person meetings are $20 at the door for non-members, but chapter members and full-time students (with ID) attend for free. Individual Membership covers the Program Year (September through June). 

Meetings include food and drinks, networking, and a program which often grants continuing professional educational credits. For example, NY-AEE has been approved as a sponsor organization for professional engineers in New York State. You can earn (PDHs) by attending approved chapter meetings in person. Those who attend remotely must take a CEU quiz (the link is provided toward the end of the webinar.) 

See details about becoming a member.





Year Established
Chapter Members
Regional Awards
International Awards
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