We invite your involvement in our Chapter, one of the largest among dozens of state and regional chapters of the Association of Energy Engineers, the world's leading international society of energy and environmental professionals. Sponsorship offers opportunities for you company and its representatives to become active players in promoting the Association's goals of energy and environmental conservation and cost savings. As a Corporate Sponsor, you will have enhanced opportunities to converse with energy professionals who recommend, specify, and/or purchase your products or services.
Your participating staff will benefit from staying current with technology and market developments in our regional industry through the topical presentations at our nine monthly meetings each year, many of which also award Continuing Education credits.
Through Corporate Sponsorship your company can enjoy the following additional benefits:
Basic chapter membership for one (1) person from your organization, with all benefits of individual membership
Posting of your company logo, linked to your company website, on the AEE NY website
Spoken acknowledgement and inclusion of your company logo on the Welcome slide at all chapter meetings
Access to an applicant pool of potential interns and graduate hires (student attendance at monthly chapter meetings is free)
Perhaps the most valuable benefit of all is the recognition and respect that your firm will earn by assisting our local chapter to continue its critical role in the changing energy environment of New York.
Becoming a Sponsor
Firms wishing to join or renew their sponsorship can also include annual dues for employee individual memberships. As stated above, one (1) membership is already included. Additional memberships are $60 per employee, a 40% savings.
To enroll via mail, paying by check, please fill out and return the enrollment form.
For sponsorship questions, email info@aeeny.org.